Words of Wisdom From
Alkaline Water Experts
"Increasing evidence
suggests that persisting, low-grade
acidosis results in
numerous injurious effects on the body; including
dissolution of bone, muscle wasting and kidney damages."
- American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, 2002, vol.76
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Larry Clapp, PhD, JD
Author, Prostate Health in 90 Days without drugs or surgery
Microwater has been developed in
Japan, when researchers studying people who drank water
from certain fast-moving, rocky mountain streams noticed
that they enjoyed extraordinarily good health.
Microwater emulates this naturally occurring water with a
higher pH level, a different structure, and different
electrical properties than regular water. Drinking
Microwater raises your cellular pH and fights off the
free radicals which would otherwise damage the prostate
as well as general health. (As you'll learn in Chapter
6, free radicals are like cellular "buzz saws" that rip
through healthy tissue, destroying everything in their
wake. Keeping free radicals under control is vital.)
Using a small device attached to your faucet, you can
make Microwater at home."
page 76Water is made up of H2O molecules, which are in turn
composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom
bonded together. But the H2O molecules are not
completely stable; they will break up into smaller H and
OH molecules. The positively charged H's and the
negatively charges OH's can combine with calcium,
potassium, or other substances in the water, creating
various chemical reactions. If water has more of the
positively charged H's it will become acidic, but if the
scales tilt in favor of the negatively charged OH's it
will be alkaline (basic). Many of the wastes that clog
the body are acidic, especially those that come from our
foods and soft drinks. The body's internal cleansing
mechanisms depend on an abundance of water around the
Unable to process and eliminate the acidic wastes, the
body often stores them in the heart, liver, colon,
pancreas, or other parts of the body. As the acidic
wastes accumulate, the body and bloodstream become
overly acidic, and the delicate pH balance in body
fluids, tissues, and cells is upset, leading to heart
disease, cancer, elevated blood pressure, obesity,
arthritis, diabetes, and many other ailments. Drinking
the alkaline
Microwater helps the body clear out the
acidic wastes and restore the cellular pH balance to
Microwater also fights off the free radicals
that would otherwise damage the prostate and general
health. You can make
Microwater at home, using a small
device attached to your faucet.....Remember: cancer cannot live in a pH-balanced cellular
environment. pages 122-123
This information is for educational purposes only and is not meant to
cure or treat any disease or illness. Consult your doctor for
specialized medical advice.
Theodore Baroody Author, Alkalize or Die
"I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for
about every health situation imaginable. I feel that
restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone." For
more quotes from Dr. Theodore Baroody click on
Alkalize or Die.
We have documented various quotes from his book, which
paint a vivid picture of the harsh consequences of
having excess acids
such as how
Acids Attack The Heart,
Acids Attack The Liver,
Acids Attack Pancreas,
Acids Attack The Kidneys,
Acids Attack The
Small Intestines
and how excess acid waste deplete our
Alkaline Reserves.
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Whang Author, Reverse Aging
"Here is the simple process of aging. Every living cell
within our body creates waste products. The nutrients
from our food are delivered to each cell and they burn
with oxygen to provide energy for us to live. The burned
nutrients are the waste products. The food that is
either good or bad for you is determined by the amount
and quality of the wastes produced: toxic, acid,
alkaline, etc. Most of our cells go through metabolism
and old dead cells become waste products."
"These waste products must be discharged from our body.
In fact, our body tries its best to dispose of them
through urine and perspiration. Virtually all waste
products are acidic; that is why urine is acidic and the
skin surface is also acidic. The problem is that, due to
several reasons, our body cannot get rid of 100% of the
waste products it produces." "The main reason for this is our lifestyle. We,
therefore, spend more time producing waste products than
processing them." For more quotes from Sang Whang click
Reverse Aging.
This information is for educational purposes only
and is not meant to cure or treat any disease or illness. Consult your
doctor for specialized medical advice.
Robert O. Young, PhD
In his book, The pH Miracle says it this way
"The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell
in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are
not well tolerated...Indeed, the entire metabolic
process depends on a balanced internal alkaline
environment. A chronically over-acid pH corrodes body
tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of veins and
arteries like acid eating into marble. If left
unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and
functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural
firing of your brain. ()... Over-acidification
interferes with life itself leading to all sickness and
"Those willing to look again, and with clear eyes, will
be rewarded with the secrets to permanent health. We can
heal ourselves by changing the environment inside our
bodies. Potentially harmful invaders, then, will have
nowhere to grow and will become harmless." Click
here to see Dr. Young being interviewed on CNN news.
Hidemitsu HayashiDirector of the Water Institute, Tokyo,
He says that bad diets such as meat and potatoes, fried
foods, soft drink colas, and sugars build up acid salts
in the body. Often these deposits, by having to be
stored away from the blood flow, can remain in the body
for decades. He recommends the consumption of ionized
alkaline water, which will slowly and gently wash these
salts away. To read Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi detailed
explanation of negatively charged alkaline water click on
Dr. Hidemitsu
Dr. David S.
Restructured alkaline water may well be the best element or supplement
you can put in your body!
Did you know the Japanese
have researched this subject for over forty years and have found that
drinking restructured
alkaline water can relieve
or reduce the three main causes for sickness, disease and pre-mature
aging? I will reveal
these causes later but first let’s talk about pH.....
What most people don’t know is that if your pH
does drop below 5.8 you
absorb vitamins A, B, E, F and K. Nor
can you absorb valuable minerals like sulphur, potassium, calcium,
vanadium, chromium, iron or zinc, no matter how much of these minerals
you take. Think about it, you
might be sending huge amounts of money down your toilet, so to speak.
The majority of people we check have a urine pH below 5.8 and
don’t realize they are wasting
their money on supplements.
Restructured alkaline water is the fastest and most efficient way to
alkalize your body.
To read the complete article click
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Felicia Drury Climent Author, The Acid Alkaline balance Diet, Adjunct
Professor, City College, New York
years of very positive continuous clinical experiment
that I am conducting with hundreds of clients using
electronically restructured alkaline water, it is my
opinion that this technology will change the way in
which all health providers and the public will approach
their health in the coming years. ...My suggestion is to drink restructured alkaline water
whenever possible."
Sherry Rogers, M.D.
"Alkaline water rids the body of acid waste... After
carefully evaluating the results of my advice to
hundreds of individuals, I'm convinced that toxicity in
the form of acidic waste is the primary cause of
degenerative disease." Dr. Sherry Rogers is the
author of You Are What You Ate, Tired or Toxic?, The
Cure Is In The Kitchen, Macro Mellow, and Wellness
Against The Odds.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not meant to
cure or treat any disease or illness. Consult your doctor for
specialized medical advice.
Dr. Len Horowitz
studies show that populations with little or no history
of illness, such as cancer..., drink higher pH alkaline
waters. After all potential risk factors were considered
and factored out, it became evident that they had been
drinking water with a 9.0 to 10.0."
Susan Lark
University lecturer and author of The Chemistry Of
Success, says: "Drinking four to six glasses of
alkaline water a day will help to neutralize over
acidity and over time will help to restore your
buffering ability. Alkaline water should be used when
conditions of over acidity develop, such as cold, flu or
bronchitis. Like vitamins C, E and Beta Carotene,
alkaline water acts as an antioxidant because of its
excess supply of free electrons. This can help the body
against the development of heart disease, strokes,
immune dysfunctions, and other common ailments."
Dr. Lark has identified a check list so you can identify
if you are acidic or alkaline, for more information
click on Dr. Susan Lark.
Author of The Tao of Detox says:
"Drinking alkaline water is a great way to neutralize
and flush out all of the toxins and acids that drain
from the tissues and bodily fluids, and to quickly
rehydrate the body and keep the blood alkaline."
Niven Miller,
Anti-aging expert and author of 'Grow Youthful',
"Increasing your consumption of good quality tap water
or filtered water can transform your health and play a
central role in the healing of virtually all
degenerative diseases. However, alkaline water has
profound long-term effects because it alkalizes your
body and provides an effective antioxidant."
Author of "Youthing" says that "by drinking alkaline
water, the aging process can be reversed and the wastes
can be reduced in the long-term to a level of a much
younger person. The functions of the organs can be
This information is for educational purposes only and is not meant to
cure or treat any disease or illness. Consult your doctor for
specialized medical advice.
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Ingfreid Hobert MD
"You do not need expensive medicine with all the
negative side effects to regain health... Alkaline water
has profound long term effects because it alkalizes your
body and provides an effective antioxidant".
Dr William Howard Hay, MD (1866-1940)
Dr. William Howard Hay popularized
the Food Combining Diet by grouping foods into alkaline,
acidic and neutral. "...people with more acidic blood were more likely to be
ill. He defined a pH range of 7.4 to 7.5 to be
associated with good health. When foods are metabolized,
acids are produced which are neutralized by the alkaline
salts (carbonates) of calcium, magnesium, potassium and
sodium. Foods containing chlorine, phosphorous, sulfur
and nitrogen, animal products and refined carbohydrates
tend to be acid forming."
Celia Wright
Author of The Wright Diet,
"...the over-acid person as being grouchy, sensitive,
exhausted, inclined to aches and pains, headaches, and
problems with sleeping and acidity of the stomach.
Smokers have been found to have a high acid content in
their urine. Cravings appear to be reduced on a more
alkaline diet."
Dr Arthur M. Ecano, MD
Says that.. "if the world has accepted antioxidants to
slow down the aging process, it should readily agree to
the uses of ionized alkaline water as an antiaging
agent. Their roles are closely linked and intertwined
such that a lasting antiaging program is incomplete
without addressing both free radicals and organic acid
This information is for educational purposes only and is not meant to
cure or treat any disease or illness. Consult your doctor for
specialized medical advice.
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